Furore 27

Vanwege het ‘Hermansjaar’ (2021–2022) is er in dit nummer nogal wat aandacht voor Willem Frederik Hermans. Wij onderzochten twee fotosessies waarbij Hermans was betrokken kort voordat hij als schrijver...

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FURORE #6 herdrukt!

Na veertig jaar is op veler verzoek het zeldzame en hoog gewaardeerde NUMMER 6 van FURORE herdrukt. Wij hebben er weliswaar naar gestreefd om de oorspronkelijke tekst, beelden en opmaak exact zo te laten...

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Vitrier! Vitrier! Vitrier! Left: rue du Cascades, right: rue Piat   Left: Albert Lamorisse, The Red Balloon, 1955 Right: Robert Doisneau, "Passerelle à vapeur", 1957 Note: Lamorisse, Doisneau and...

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The morning scene in The Red Balloon is illustrated by a baker opening up his shop, a glass salesman advertising his wares and a postman delivering letters. These scenes were all filmed in the rue Piat,...

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Îlots insalubres (1)

In Furore #21 (p. 65) we describe Albert Lamorisse’s creative use of the passage Notre-Dame-de-la-Croix in The Red Balloon’s climactic chase scene. At 27:26 the voyous follow Pascal into the passage, ...

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Top: Pascal Lamorisse takes his red balloon into one of the narrowest alleys of Paris in Le Ballon rouge. Bottom: The same alley in Jacques Dupont's 1960 film Les Distractions. (With thanks to Roland-François...

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Narrower and narrower

In the fall of 1955 Pascal Lamorisse was seen running down a narrow alleyway trying to escape from a band of "voyous". As we point out in Furore (p. 70), this scene was shot in one of the two narrowest...

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