Fifty yearsFurore, a magazine edited and published by Piet Schreuders, is fifty years old this year. We celebrate this event with the publication of our thirtieth issue. Thirty yearsOn April 27, 1995 ...
Category: en
Furore ‘minus three’ is available!
Furore ‘min drie’ is weer beschikbaar! In de zomer van 1975 werden door de voorlopige redactie van FURORE enkele proefnummers gemaakt om potentiële uitgevers te interesseren, maar dat had geen resultaat....
Two new issues!
The covers of FURORE #28 and #29 Two new editions of FURORE magazine will be published simultaneously in April 2024. Number 28 is entirely in English and contains an extensive interview with former...
New book: Prince Valiant meets Julius Caesar
Classics Illustrated no. 130 (Caesar’s Conquests, 1956) is a prime example of visual plagiarism or “comic swiping.” The story was ostensibly drawn by Joe Orlando, but most of the artwork was actually ...
Furore #12 once again available!
New version (2023) of FURORE #12 (1979) Furore’s popular issue #12, full of American “glamor,” received a fresh dusting-off, revising, editing, remixing and remastering treatment in 2023. After 44 years...
Mexico issue reprinted!
FURORE #11 (oktober 1978) is an issue devoted to Mexico, the country "south of the border" that most Westerners know only from novels, movies and comics. The double-sized issue (80 pages) contained...
Second Printing Available!
The first edition of Furore #27 (featuring two famous photo sessions with author Willem Frederik Hermans) is almost out of stock. Due to continued demand a second, improved edition is now available. Can...
Furore Drops the Ball
In an unconscious homage to Willem Frederik Hermans the first printing of Furore #27 contains a number of mistakes, enabling us to correct them in the second printing. Here’s what went wrong: p. 1: The...
Furore 27
Vanwege het ‘Hermansjaar’ (2021–2022) is er in dit nummer nogal wat aandacht voor Willem Frederik Hermans. In this issue we celebrate the 100th birthday of renowned Dutch author Willem Frederik Hermans...
Furore #6 reprinted!
After forty years, this rare and highly rated issue has been re-issued at last. Although we aimed for an exact replica of the original texts, images and page layout, this is not a facsimile edition. The...
Our library
The release of the film Le Ballon rouge in 1956 was accompanied by a picture book by Albert Lamorisse presenting the film's story in words and pictures. The book was produced in the early spring of 1956...
Our library
The release of the film Le Ballon rouge in 1956 was accompanied by a picture book by Albert Lamorisse presenting the film's story in words and pictures. The book was produced in the early spring of 1956...
Our library
The release of the film Le Ballon rouge in 1956 was accompanied by a picture book by Albert Lamorisse presenting the film's story in words and pictures. The book was produced in the early spring of 1956...
Fiona Tan’s balloon flight
In the morning of January 14, 2000, Dutch artist Fiona Tan (b. Pekan Baru, Indonesia, 1966) gathered fifty large red helium-filled balloons, affixed their strings to a harness and was briefly lifted...
Fiona Tan’s balloon flight
In the morning of January 14, 2000, Dutch artist Fiona Tan (b. Pekan Baru, Indonesia, 1966) gathered fifty large red helium-filled balloons, affixed their strings to a harness and was briefly lifted...
Le Farceur in rue Piat
Roland-François Lack of The Cine-Tourist writes -- "In Philippe de Broca's Le Farceur (1960), which is all over Paris, there is one brief shot of the carrefour Piat."...
Le Farceur in rue Piat
Roland-François Lack of The Cine-Tourist writes -- "In Philippe de Broca's Le Farceur (1960), which is all over Paris, there is one brief shot of the carrefour Piat."...
Malambars and Carambars
Ketty Belhassen, a former resident of 16 rue Vilin, recalls going up the stairs at the end of the street and frequenting the Boulangerie-Pâtisserie -- the same one as visited by Pascal in Le Ballon rouge...
Malambars and Carambars
Ketty Belhassen, a former resident of 16 rue Vilin, recalls going up the stairs at the end of the street and frequenting the Boulangerie-Pâtisserie -- the same one as visited by Pascal in Le Ballon rouge...
The Lamorisses visit London
In the summer of 1957 the Lamorisse family visited London, England. During a ceremony at the French Institute in South Kensington, Albert Lamorisse was presented with the British Film Academy Special ...
The Lamorisses visit London
In the summer of 1957 the Lamorisse family visited London, England. During a ceremony at the French Institute in South Kensington, Albert Lamorisse was presented with the British Film Academy Special ...
The Red Balloon in London
David Rayner writes -- "Here in the UK, The Red Balloon was given the honour of being chosen, along with The Battle of the River Plate, to be shown at The Royal Film Performance premiere in December, ...
The Red Balloon in London
David Rayner writes -- "Here in the UK, The Red Balloon was given the honour of being chosen, along with The Battle of the River Plate, to be shown at The Royal Film Performance premiere in December,...
Pascal’s mother
Albert Lamorisse’s film productions were always more or less family affairs. His wife, Jeanne Claude Duparc, was also his script girl and assistant director. The films were conceived at the kitchen...
Pascal’s mother
Albert Lamorisse’s film productions were always more or less family affairs. His wife, Jeanne Claude Duparc, was also his script girl and assistant director. The films were conceived at the kitchen...
Visually similar
Vitrier! Vitrier! Vitrier! Left: rue du Cascades, right: rue Piat Left: Albert Lamorisse, The Red Balloon, 1955 Right: Robert Doisneau, "Passerelle à vapeur", 1957 Note: Lamorisse, Doisneau and...
Visually similar
Vitrier! Vitrier! Vitrier! Left: rue du Cascades, right: rue Piat Left: Albert Lamorisse, The Red Balloon, 1955 Right: Robert Doisneau, "Passerelle à vapeur", 1957 Note: Lamorisse, Doisneau and...
How did the balloon move?
Jos Rampart writes: I enjoyed your recent issue of Furore about Le ballon rouge. It is a magnificent edition full of information about father and son Lamorisse, the Belleville locations and the camera...
How did the balloon move?
Jos Rampart writes: I enjoyed your recent issue of Furore about Le ballon rouge. It is a magnificent edition full of information about father and son Lamorisse, the Belleville locations and the camera...
The morning scene in The Red Balloon is illustrated by a baker opening up his shop, a glass salesman advertising his wares and a postman delivering letters. These scenes were all filmed in the rue Piat,...
The morning scene in The Red Balloon is illustrated by a baker opening up his shop, a glass salesman advertising his wares and a postman delivering letters. These scenes were all filmed in the rue Piat,...
Balloonology 2: The St Raphaël mural
[solved] In Balloonology 1 we discussed Pascal’s walk in the rain with an old man, passing a restaurant. Pascal first meets this old man in another street, distinguished among other things by a mural ...
Balloonology 2: The St Raphaël mural
[solved] In Balloonology 1 we discussed Pascal’s walk in the rain with an old man, passing a restaurant. Pascal first meets this old man in another street, distinguished among other things by a mural ...
Balloons in Ljubljana
Petra Slatinšek writes: "Hi! So great to read about your latest issue. Congratulations! If it will be available in English, please let me know. The film inspired our children's programme in cinema, it's...
Balloons in Ljubljana
Petra Slatinšek writes: "Hi! So great to read about your latest issue. Congratulations! If it will be available in English, please let me know. The film inspired our children's programme in cinema, it's...
Balloonology 1: Chez Hubert
[solved] Ever since I started studying the many Red Balloon locations systematically (2007) I have been intrigued by the location of the restaurant called CHEZ HUBERT. It is one of the places Pascal...
Balloonology 1: Chez Hubert
[solved] Ever since I started studying the many Red Balloon locations systematically (2007) I have been intrigued by the location of the restaurant called CHEZ HUBERT. It is one of the places Pascal...
Scope: a Red Balloon sequel?
According to IMDb, the film Scope (2004) is a “remake” of The Red Balloon (1956). Come again? Scope, a 40-minute experimental short by Corey Smith, can be viewed (and downloaded) here. It has nothing ...
Scope: a Red Balloon sequel?
According to IMDb, the film Scope (2004) is a “remake” of The Red Balloon (1956). Come again? Scope, a 40-minute experimental short by Corey Smith, can be viewed (and downloaded) here. It has nothing ...
Bart Simpson’s Red Balloon
In the Simpsons episode "The Crepes of Wrath" (1990) Bart Simpsons gets sent to France as an "exchange student". Upon his return he brings the following souvenirs: an Eiffel tower T-shirt and a bottle...
Îlots insalubres (2)
In Furore #21 (p. 68-69) we describe a key location of the chase scene in The Red Balloon: the passage Ronce, which used to run between the rue Julien-Lacroix and the rue des Couronnes. 18 and 19 Passage...
Îlots insalubres (2)
In Furore #21 (p. 68-69) we describe a key location of the chase scene in The Red Balloon: the passage Ronce, which used to run between the rue Julien-Lacroix and the rue des Couronnes. 18 and 19 Passage...
Îlots insalubres (1)
In Furore #21 (p. 65) we describe Albert Lamorisse’s creative use of the passage Notre-Dame-de-la-Croix in The Red Balloon’s climactic chase scene. At 27:26 the voyous follow Pascal into the passage, ...
Îlots insalubres (1)
In Furore #21 (p. 65) we describe Albert Lamorisse’s creative use of the passage Notre-Dame-de-la-Croix in The Red Balloon’s climactic chase scene. At 27:26 the voyous follow Pascal into the passage, ...
Leaf through FURORE #21!
See all pages of Furore #21 in succession on Vimeo ...
Bookstore ad
C.J. Aarts found this advertisement for the Red Balloon book by the "Foreign Department" of Librairie Hachette in "Nieuwsblad voor de Boekhandel", Vol. 124 (1957) nr 4 (January 24, 1957), p. 76....
Bookstore ad
C.J. Aarts found this advertisement for the Red Balloon book by the "Foreign Department" of Librairie Hachette in "Nieuwsblad voor de Boekhandel", Vol. 124 (1957) nr 4 (January 24, 1957), p. 76....
Balloons and toilets
Advertisement in "Aujourd'hui" (Art et Architecture) no. 7, mars 1956...
Balloons and toilets
Advertisement in "Aujourd'hui" (Art et Architecture) no. 7, mars 1956...
Yet another balloon image
Furore's copy editor Fred Hermsen found this vinyl single sleeve while looking for images of people with balloons. It was the third item he saw as he browsed through his singles collection. Further...
Yet another balloon image
Copy editor Fred Hermsen found this vinyl single sleeve while looking for images of people with balloons. It was the third item he saw as he browsed through his singles collection. Further research...